A bit about... whatever's on my mind. ;)

A bit about... whatever's on my mind.  ;)
Hello Friends, Family, and Peoples, Welcome to My Blog. :)
Now I only post when time will allow me to do so, and it's all very random. So add yourself as a follower, down and to your right. This way you wont miss a thing...


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


SNOW is Fun, Cold, Dangerous, Beautiful!

Our SnowMan!
Our Snow Cave!
A Goofy pic of me about to be hit by a Snow ball! lol- I look so funny here!
Throwing a Snow Ball!- Yes, I throw like a girl!
William.. so evil here! Ah Ha Ha HA!
Richard's Broken arm! I told you Snow was Dangerous! Isn't his sling cool?!


  1. Looks like it was a blast up until the broken arm.

  2. Poor little guy, but I do love the charlie brown sling :)
