A bit about... whatever's on my mind. ;)

A bit about... whatever's on my mind.  ;)
Hello Friends, Family, and Peoples, Welcome to My Blog. :)
Now I only post when time will allow me to do so, and it's all very random. So add yourself as a follower, down and to your right. This way you wont miss a thing...


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Me and the Kids

I love my boys!
They may be wild at times and some what hard to control. But somehow even with all these exasperating times... I still can't help but love them! They are good kids. Kids just having fun!

(such a funny look on his face here..lol And that nose.. always a scar.- Hey, he's a boy! A rough tumbling boy)
We learn so much from each other.
I love my boys!
Pictures are from a Photo Shoot at Sears.

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