I went with
Willliam on his class field trip to
Sutherland Farms. Those of you who were reading my blog last year, probably remember a similar post. Last year Richard came along, he was sick this year unfortunately. So it was just me and Will.. Which had its benefits though. I was able to be much more of a help to his class. Since I didn't have a two year old to round up every little while. lol -
If any of you that live around here with kids haven't been, you need to go! The kids love it! And well their is some very tasty products to purchase! I got me some Pumpkin Patch Salsa, and Nate some yummy pancake syrup!
In the above picture we are trying to find are way out of the corn maze.

William really is a neat kid. When they were told to go pick out a Pumpkin to keep. William looked around and ran to the pumpkin that was different then all the rest.. it was yellow, well kinda gray, and a funny shape. It was rotten, (
lol) he didn't know that though.. he just saw it was special! It wasn't like any of the rest.
lol- I let him keep it, but later that night made sure it was disposed of.
Thank-goodness, I think he forgot what his pumpkin looked like. Because I had gotten another one that same day.. A ripe one!, that he painted a face on, helped me carve out and we baked for dinner the next day! And boy was that one yummy meal!

William and his "Special" Pumpkin.

Squashed together on the Hay Ride.

Fun Train ride for the kids. Will is in the front cart.

This is really cool! They have a playground.. and instead of dirt, rocks, wood chips, or that black rubbery stuff..
that's always around the toys..... Its real Corn!
He's so cute! And I know I am his mom and all.. but really he's a
LOL, Will is a cute little guy. Looks like you had a good day!! I love going to pumpkin patch, a wonderful place to enjoy the beginning of autumn..