I love the ZOO! This past week My Mom and I took the Boys!
(And Yes the Baby Elephant is sniffing poo!)

Richard well, was Richard, very active.. and wanting to run run run..
thru every exhibit!
Until he saw a Train... This boy is Obsessed!

I love how they have Peacocks that just roam the place. Its so fun! And Here is a picture of William with a Dragon! He was very excited! (its a statue- we did see live ones as well!)
If anyone knows me, they know I love Monkey/Apes! I thought this stain glass window of this one was gorgeous!
Here is the 3 of us in front of the seals!

My little poser... and Richard right before I locked him up in his stroller!
I love this pic!
Here's our train ride!

Richard on the train! This
totally made his day! (and
that's chocolate all over his face.)
Loved this pic of the main male
Gorilla! He looks Serious!

I think they were trying to ignore us! lol! I love the ZOO!
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