William has such an interest for art. He is always drawing, or asking others to draw, while he gapes over and watches your every move. He usually knows what he wants drawn.. and will let you know when you draw it wrong. :)
His art work has improved greatly over the last couple months.. And I wanted to share it with you...
I find it amazing that I can actually tell, generally, what it is he has drawn!
We are so happy for our little guy and hope he continues to progress, with what is looking like, it could be, a future talent!

His art work has improved greatly over the last couple months.. And I wanted to share it with you...
I find it amazing that I can actually tell, generally, what it is he has drawn!
We are so happy for our little guy and hope he continues to progress, with what is looking like, it could be, a future talent!
Okay from, top to bottom.. the first one ??? where not too sure what it is. I asked William if it was a train, he shook his head no... "a bug", I said.. he shook his head no.. So I dono... you guess! William says the next one is a bzzzz.. so I interpret Bee! Then we have a plane and a spider.
William is autistic and has a hard time communicating, since he has very few words. (But on a side note, we have heard a great improvement this year, since he started school again! Thank-you Mrs Bette, Mrs Michelle, and Bloomfield Pre-K! I know the environment you have set, has really helped!) He has always tried using pictures, to get across, what it is he is trying to say. Perhaps this is what started him drawing.
William is so proud of his work. He is constantly hanging it up in different areas around the house! He loves to show it off and just sit and admire it!
It's wonderful to hear that he's doing so well and making improvements, and he's found his own way of communicating with pictures!